Recruitment Process Outsourcing (RPO)
This is a process where an employer transfers all or part of its recruitment processes to an external provider. Recruitment Process Outsourcing providers can manage the entire recruiting/hiring process, or can manage one or two aspects of the process, essentially serving as an extension of the company’s human resources department.
Typically the recruiters are deployed to the client's business premises on a fully outsourced, hybrid or project basis.
Being a RPO services we offer/manage any or all of the following recruitment tasks for the client:
- Recruitment forecasting
- Recruitment advertisement creation and placement
- Application response
- Candidate sourcing programs (web crawling, internal recruitment, employee referrals, alumni programs, networking, social media, etc.)
- Conducting & scheduling interviews
- Psychometric and behavioral assessments
- Reference and background checking
- Offer management
- Vendor (3rd party supplier) management
- Technology selection, configuration and management
- Management reporting
- Cost Reduction
The BenefitsYour Company will get
- Scalability and Flexibility
- Recruitment advertisement creation and placement
- Quality Hiring
- More transparency around recruitment via enhanced reporting
For pricing models write/mail us: